Štitasta žlezda

Štitasta žlezda je žlezda u obliku leptira koja se nalazi u donjem delu vrata, ispod Adamove jabučice. Uloga štitaste žlezde je da stvara hormone koji se izlučuju u krv i transportuju u tkiva po celom telu. Ona igra vitalnu ulogu u našem zdravlju i dobrobiti i stara se da tkiva i organi funkcionišu pravilno.

Vaše zdravlje

Promene raspoloženja


Trudnoća i nove majke


Highly skilled doctors awarded and certified by the most famous medical research universities around the globe, experienced by the most complicated cases they are here to help our patients.

Christopher Barnes

Founder & Cardiologist

Brittany Oliver


Liam Lynch
